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The Future of Positive Education and Positive Leadership


The Future of Positive Education and Positive Leadership

Two things are getting more and more important for us and the organization of our future. First, which education we’re getting and second which processes of leadership and cooperation we will experience in our work-environments. These are the topics that will be discussed at the congress in Bregenz, Austria. Kim Cameron will start. In a pre-congress workshop he will introduce the best tools for creating a positive working atmosphere, effective teamwork, finding meaning in work and positive communication. In a nutshell: tools for extraordinary success. Michael Wohlkönig, Sport Psychologist and Mental Coach, will talk about two important terms for success: Grit and decisiveness. He will also talk about what you can do for having a positive continuative mindset on the way towards success. Alejandro Adler, a leading researcher of the Penn- Arts and Science Centre will talk about his trips to Butan, Peru and Mexico and how Positive Education is organised there. Michaela Brohm-Badry, professor at the University of Trier, asks the important question: How am I motivated to act positively? Before the lunch break Ernst Fritz- Schubert, one of the biggest names in Positive Education, comments on why the goal of wellbeing is so important for companies.

In the afternoon the hotelier Bodo Janssen will take the stage. He will talk about how it’s possible to lead a company in a positive and appreciative way. Markus Ebner will show the effect of PERMA-Lead on creativity, burn-out risk, sick leave and much more. And Kim Cameron will hold a keynote about networks of positive energy and their importance concerning employee engagement and exceptional success of companies using this network.

On Wednesday the 3rd of July, the day will start off with Willibald Ruch, who will present thrilling news from his book about character strengths and virtues. For Joachim Bauer relationship is the key for successful learning and teaching. He will proof this with the help of neuro science. Ulrike Lichtinger then will report on the model Flourishing SE (Schulentwicklung), which is unique in the Austrian educational system. Furhtermore, Robert Kaltenbrunner will explain how development in staff satisfaction and employer attractiveness can go hand in hand.

In the Afternoon Stefanie Stückelschweiger, Bertram Strolz and Brigitte Wiesner- Kulovits show how Positive Education is practiced in the Stiftsgymnasium Admont and the Gymnasium Mehrerau. Then Philip Streit, author of the book “Leading with New Authority” will balance theories and practical thoughts about New Authority and Posive Psychology in an educational and managerial context. Martin Seligman will be the highlight and finale. His topic: Positive Education and Human Development.


Monday / 01.07.2019
Precongress Workshop – Collegium Bernardi, Bregenz

9:00 – 17:00 Uhr Kim Cameron: Positive Leadership: Tools for Extraordinary Succes

Tuesday / 02.07.2019
Götzis, Kulturbühne Ambach

8:00 UhrCheck-In
8:30 UhrOpening
8:45 UhrMichael Wohlkönig: Mindset and Grit: The Keys to Success.
09:45 UhrAlejandro Adler: Positive Education in Buthan, Peru and Mexico
10:45 UhrBreak
11:00 UhrMichaela Brohm Badry: Motivation and Positive Psychology.
12:00 UhrErnst Fritz-Schubert: Business Objective: Wellbeing
13:00 UhrLunch Break
14:00 UhrBodo Janssen: Leading with Meaning and Humanity.
15:00 UhrMarkus Ebner: Strength Based Leadership.
16:00 UhrBreak
16:15 UhrKim Cameron:: Relationship Energy- A Key for Engagement and Extraordinary Success.
17:15 UhrEnde of day one

Wednesday / 03.07.2019

9:00 UhrWillibald Ruch: Current Developments in Character Strenghts.
10:00 UhrJoachim Bauer: Teaching and Learning in Resonace.
11:30 UhrUlrike Lichtinger: School Development with Flourishing.
12:15 UhrRobert Kaltenbrunner: Best-Practice: Positive Leadership as the key to long-term growth and organizational developement.
13:00 UhrLunch Break
14:00 UhrStefanie Stückelschweiger/Bertram Strolz/Brigitte Wiesner- Kulovits: Positive Education at Example Schools in Vorarlberg and Admont.
15:00 UhrPhilip Streit: New Authority and Positivity in Education, Guidance and Leadership.
16:00 UhrBreak
16:15 UhrMartin Seligman: Positive Education and Human Development.
17:15 UhrEnd of congress


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Martin Seligman teaches at the PENN University in Philadelphia and is the head of the Positive Psychology Centre. Known worldwide for his theory of Learned Helplessness he was able to establish Positive Psychology as a part of scientific psychology. Furthermore, he is a founder of the Prospective Psychology.


Alejandro Adler´s is a professor at Columbia University and focuses on well-being, skills and public policy. He further contributes to the United Nations and is a close confidant of Martin Seligman.


Joachim Bauer is a physician, molecular and neuro biologist with a schooling as internist, psychiatrist and psycho-somatic physician. He’s the author of many publications and is a guest professor at the International University Berlin.


Michaela Brohm-Badry is professor at the University Trier and engages in motivational research and the connection of it to Positive Psychology.


Kim Cameron is the founder of the concept of “Positive Leadership” and “Positive Organizational Scholarship”. He researches the consequences of reductions in staff, efficiency and the quality culture of companies.


Markus Ebner teaches and researches at the University Vienna. He has got years of experience as a leader and coach in the field of leadership, communication psychology and team development.


Ernst Fritz-Schubert is the founder of the Fritz-Schubert-Institute of Personality-development. He developed the school subject “Luck” which is thought at many schools in Germany.


Bod Janssen is an entrepreneur and inventor of the Upstalsboom Way. He owns a hotel chain in which he was able to increase employee satisfaction with the help of Positive Psychology by 80%.


Robert Kaltenbrunner is the executive director of Hiking Days and works with leaders, teams and organisations with a special focus on hypnosystemic coaching and non-violent resistance.


Ulrike Lichtinger is a professor for school development and head of the Institute for School Development, further- and continuing education at the Educational Academy in Vorarlberg. Her focus is on positive school development with “Flourishing SE”.


Willibald Ruch is a professor for personality psychology at the University of Zurich. He is a founder and a management board member of the International Positive Psychology Assication.


Stefanie Stückelschweiger teaches French and Chemistry at the Stiftsgymnasium Admont. She has been one of the driving forces of the intervention research project at the school.


Bertram Strolz is a psychotherapist and social pedagogist in Vorarlberg. As a companion of families, children and teenagers, but also in his work as a school and organizational developer and inclusive Gestalttherapist he is a strong advocate for the Positive Psychology. He is a founder of the Academy for Positive Psychology in Voralberg.


Philip Streit is the head of the Institute for Children, Youth and Family, member of the IPPA Board of Advisors and the coordinator of Seligman Europe, the Austrian Positive Psychology Association (APPA) and the European Positive Psychology Academy (EUPPA).


Brigitte Wiesner- Kulovits studied economy and economical psychology, she is a organizational developer and a co-founder of the Strength Institute in Graz and the Academy of Positive Psychology in Vorarlberg.


Michael Wohlkönig is clinical-, sportsand health psychologist in Graz. He works with the principles of Positive Psychology. His goal is to find strengths and potential, to support in crucial parts of peoples lives and to inspire to find passions rather than trying to better weaknesses.