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Human Progress – The Congress


Human Progress – The Congress

Where will humankind go? How will our societies develop? What role will psychology, in particular Positive Psychology and other sciences play? This are the topics at the Congress in Hamburg and the setting of this Congress will be interdisciplinary.

Philip Streit will start with putting forth the assumption that the world is a whole lot better than we tend to believe. Roy Baumeister, founder of the Pragmatic Prospection, will clarify why it’s the responsibility of each human which future he or she builds for him- or herself. Renée Schröder, world famous biochemist from Vienna, will be discussing, how feminine human progress is. Reinhold Popp picks up the question what the working and educational scene will be like in the future. Steve Cole, professor at the Genetics Lab of the University of Los Angeles will show the newest findings concerning how Positivity can influence our genes and our health.

In the afternoon Roland Wolfig will show for the first time a glimpse of his work: Scrum, Agile Working and Positivity. Kim Cameron, leading expert on Positive Leadership, asks the questions: Is a Positive Economy possible? The finale of the first day will be conducted by Joachim Bauer and Matthias Varga von Kibèd, who will talk together with Philip Streit about “What do Humans and Societies need for a Grandchild-Friendly Future?”. The evening will lead into a reception with sparkling wine, finger food and talk to the contributors.

On Sunday morning Adrienne Goehler postulates and justifies an unconditional basic income and you’ll be surprised who wants this the most. Matthias Horx, a well-known European future researcher, tries to answer the question of how humane Artificial Intelligence is. Gunther Schmidt will talk about Human Progress from a hypnosystemic point of view. Stefanie Ahrens will show her expertise in the field of Positive Partnership and it´s necessity. The accomplished youth culture researcher Bernhard Heinzlmaier will then asks the question: What future will the youth of tomorrow have and which support do they need? Betty Sue Flowers will be another highlight of this afternoon. She is the grandmaster of the Narrative Approach and has worked with many international politicians. She’ll discuss how a positive narrative of a future society might look like.

Martin Seligman will then be the highlight of the congress. He is going to discuss that a profound change in our society is bound to happen.


Saturday/ 29.06.2019

8:00 UhrCheck-In
8:30 UhrOpening
9:00 UhrPhilip Streit: Why Humanity is Better than We Think.
9:45 UhrRoy Baumeister:How Humans can build their Future (A Theory of Pragmatic Prospection).
10:30 UhrBreak
10:45 UhrRene Schröder: How Feminine is Progress?
11:30 UhrReinold Popp: Brave New Working World. What Comes, What Leaves and What Will Stay?
12:30 UhrLunch Break
14:00 UhrSteve Cole: Genetic Research, Positivity and the Future of Human Health.
14:45 UhrRoland Wolfig: Agile Positive Working.
15:30 UhrBreak
16:00 UhrKim Cameron: Is a Positive Economy Possible?
17:00 UhrBreak
18:00 UhrJoachim Bauer & Matthias Varga von Kibéd in discussion with Philip Streit: “What do Humans and Societies Need for a Grandchild-Friendly Future?”.
20:00 UhrReception with Sparkling Wine and Canapés

Sonntag / 30.06.2019

9:00 UhrAdrienne Goehler: Why We Need a Basic Income.
10:00 UhrMatthias Horx: How Humane is Artificial Intelligence.
11:15 UhrBreak
11:30 UhrGunther Schmidt: Human Progress: Thoughts from a Hypnosystemic Point of View.
12:00 UhrStefanie Ahrens: Positive Partnerships are our future.
13:00 UhrLunch Break
14:30 UhrBernhard Heinzlmaier: What Does the Future hold for The Youth?
15:15 UhrBetty Sue Flowers: What is the Narrative of a Positive Future Society
16:00 UhrBreak
16:45 UhrMartin Seligman: The Tiger Comes.
18:00 UhrEnd of congress


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Martin Seligman teaches at the PENN University in Philadelphia and is the head of the Positive Psychology Centre. Known worldwide for his theory of Learned Helplessness he was able to establish Positive Psychology as a part of scientific psychology. Furthermore, he is a founder of the Prospective Psychology.

Stefanie Ahrens is a trainer for Positive Psychology and NLP. She is known for the concept of Positive Partnership, with which she focuses on positive personal relationships.

Joachim Bauer is a physician, molecular and neuro biologist with additional education as an internist, psychiatrist and psycho-somatic physician. He is a professor at the universities of Heidelberg and Berlin and currently lives in Berlin

Roy Baumeister is professor for social psychology at the University of Queensland. His fields of activity ranges from self-consciousness over sexuality to free will. He has been awarded as one of the most cited professors worldwide.

Kim Cameron is professor for social psychology at the University of Queensland. His fields of activity ranges from self-consciousness over sexuality to free will. He has been awarded as one of the most cited professors worldwide.

Steve Cole is professor for medicine, psychiatry and bio behavioural science at the UC Los Angeles School of Medicine. In his research he examines and maps how the social surrounding influences our genetic expression.

Betty Sue Flowers is the former headof the “Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum “. She’s best known for co-authoring the book “Presence: Human purpose and the field of future“.

Adrienne Goehler speaks for an unconditional basic income. She was the head of the Academy of Visual Arts in Hamburg and senator for science, research and culture of the state of Berlin.

Bernhard Heinzlmaier has been working in the field of youth research for over two decades, he is a founder of the Institute of Youth Research and since 2003 he has been its honorary president. He is the leader of the market research company tfactory in Hamburg.

Matthias Horx is Germanys best known future researcher. Furthermore, he is a publicist and a consultant. His focus is the future working environment and a change of values in capitalism.

Reinhold Popp is a future researcher and head of the Institute for Future Research in Human Sciences at the Sigmund Freud private University in Vienna. He is also a co-founder and co-publisher of the magacine European Journal of Future Research.

Gunther Schmidt is an economist and a specialist for psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy in Heidelberg and head of the SysTelios Private Hospital for Psychosomatic Health Development. He was a student of Milton Erickson.

Renée Schröder is professor for biochemistry. She’s highly engaged in the promotion of women in science and has been awarded the UNESCO Special Honor Award For Woman in Science..

Philip Streit is the head of the Institute for Children, Youth and Family, member of the IPPA Board of Advisors and the coordinator of Seligman Europe, the Austrian Positive Psychology Association (APPA) and the European Positive Psychology Academy (EUPPA).

Matthias Varga von Kibéd is professor for philosophy, logic and science theory at the University of Munich, focusing, amongst other topics, on the method of Systemic Structure Line-Up, basic questions in psychotherapy and is author of numerous publications concerning systemic work.

Roland Wolfig is organizational and process consultant with more than 14 years of experience. His focus is Lean and Agile Innovation in Project Management.