Human Progress – The Congress
Where will humankind go? How will our societies develop? What role will psychology, in particular Positive Psychology and other sciences play? This are the topics at the Congress in Hamburg and the setting of this Congress will be interdisciplinary.
Philip Streit will start with putting forth the assumption that the world is a whole lot better than we tend to believe. Roy Baumeister, founder of the Pragmatic Prospection, will clarify why it’s the responsibility of each human which future he or she builds for him- or herself. Renée Schröder, world famous biochemist from Vienna, will be discussing, how feminine human progress is. Reinhold Popp picks up the question what the working and educational scene will be like in the future. Steve Cole, professor at the Genetics Lab of the University of Los Angeles will show the newest findings concerning how Positivity can influence our genes and our health.
In the afternoon Roland Wolfig will show for the first time a glimpse of his work: Scrum, Agile Working and Positivity. Kim Cameron, leading expert on Positive Leadership, asks the questions: Is a Positive Economy possible? The finale of the first day will be conducted by Joachim Bauer and Matthias Varga von Kibèd, who will talk together with Philip Streit about “What do Humans and Societies need for a Grandchild-Friendly Future?”. The evening will lead into a reception with sparkling wine, finger food and talk to the contributors.
On Sunday morning Adrienne Goehler postulates and justifies an unconditional basic income and you’ll be surprised who wants this the most. Matthias Horx, a well-known European future researcher, tries to answer the question of how humane Artificial Intelligence is. Gunther Schmidt will talk about Human Progress from a hypnosystemic point of view. Stefanie Ahrens will show her expertise in the field of Positive Partnership and it´s necessity. The accomplished youth culture researcher Bernhard Heinzlmaier will then asks the question: What future will the youth of tomorrow have and which support do they need? Betty Sue Flowers will be another highlight of this afternoon. She is the grandmaster of the Narrative Approach and has worked with many international politicians. She’ll discuss how a positive narrative of a future society might look like.
Martin Seligman will then be the highlight of the congress. He is going to discuss that a profound change in our society is bound to happen.
Saturday/ 29.06.2019
Sonntag / 30.06.2019
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